The Perfect Home Site

Searching for Land

Finding the perfect homesite requires great deal of effort and perseverance.  Especially in today’s market where “Intel Fever” has caused land prices to rise to an extraordinary rate.


Where do you want to live? Some obvious, but key questions are as follows:


  1. What School System are you seeking?
  2. How close to shopping do you need to be?
  3. How long of a commute can you accept?
  4. How much are taxes?
  5. Do you need or want Low or No Maintenance?
  6. How close are parks, walking trails, etc?
  7. Do you want certain amenities (Pool, Clubhouse, Fitness Center, Etc)
  8. Will you accept a Septic Tank and/or a Well?

If looking on your own, you have a few really good choices. Including searching the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) from right here on our website, to viewing Featured Land again here on the site, or of course hoping in the car and driving the area where you would like to live. Don’t forget “For Sale by Owners” and you give even knock on a door and see if someone might want to sell.


Here’s Help with a simple guide to aid in your search.


Find and Evaluate LandDownload


Of course we would love to help you in the search and with over 40 years experience building homes look to us to provide experienced site evaluation to make sure the property will meet you needs and budget.


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