Making Housing More Affordable – Getting in the Zone

Advertising billboard with an imaginary General Urban Plan with indications of urban destinations buildable areas and land plot in a rural scene

Zoning out affordable Housing

One of the most significant barriers to affordable housing has been zoning rules that have been enacted with the idea of maintaining high standards for a neighborhood but in a fact create huge barriers whose only merit at times seem to cater to the Not in my Backyard sentiment. (NIMBY). 

Not all of these concepts are bad but the most restrictive of these are requiring very large lots, or extensive architectural detailing, or even in some cases actual minimum sale prices

We need a Good Mix

Cottage and assorted real estate building icons. Residential house collection in new cartoon style

Development Costs are Spiraling

All costs of building homes are rising but one of the most dramatic increases has been in the cost of developing the infrastructure, streets, utilities, etc.  for homes.  This highlights the need to be able to increase the density in a given project so that these costs can be spread out over more housing units.  The goal of more affordable housing can be achieved by allowing increase density and part of a development including Multi-family projects or allowing for a ADU Accessory Dwelling Unit to be added to existing homes to provide housing for either aging parents or children just getting started.

Graded dirt lots ready for new house and neighborhood construction

Working Together

For most of the previous 75 years most new housing has moved further and further from the downtown area of any major city in in America.  Initially these communities had little in the way of zoning and consequently many poorly thought out and poorly designed developments were completed.  The industry as a whole has moved forward from that and we need to all recognize that by working together we can create much more harmonious and desirable projects that allow for more affordable housing in almost any community.

Imaginary cadastral map with buildings, land parcel and vacant plot – property registry and real estate concept seen through a magnifying glass

The Trend is improving

Zoning initiatives are being considered all over the country and right here in Columbus we’re seeing an effort to develop corridors where zoning has changed to allow for much higher density and more affordable housing opportunities.  The Columbus suburbs need to get on board with this as well and look at their cities and the opportunities that might be there for much needed housing for teachers firemen police and so forth to remain in the neighborhood where they work.

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