Making Housing More Affordable – Legislation

Young homeless boy holding a cardboard house

Is legislation the Answer?

In most cases I personally don’t like to look to either the Statehouse or Washington to solve our problems however, there are some significant issues that will require legislation for a change to come about.

Tax Credits

One of the most successful programs has been Low-Income Housing Tax Credits that have financed the production of thousands of affordable rental housing units.  Unfortunately, the demand for this housing greatly exceeds available resources. We desperately need bipartisan legislation to increase resources for this program.

United States Capitol Building in Whashington DC with Flag

What else can Government do?

State and Federal legislators need to explore other programs that would be geared toward middle-income households, such as teachers, health care professionals and law enforcement so they can live where they work.  Down payment assistance, extended mortgage terms, Tax abatements all need to be considered. 

Frontal medium close up, young, red-haired woman casting votes at booth and considering the election choices. Asian man votes behind her, with US flag in background


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