Let’s get you covered up.

I recently saw a posting on Facebook that was condemning a local builder for using “Cheap Tar” on the exterior of the homes being built in their neighborhood

I believe what this person actually was seeing is a product called  Enviro-Dri  which is a product of Tremco Barrier Systems  Rather than a cheap product it is actually a premium priced Weather Resistant Barrier System (WBS).

For many years now the building code has required a Weather Resistant Barrier be installed.  For those of you who want details this is covered in the Residential code of Ohio , Section 703 Exterior Covering, as follows;  “703.1 General.  Exterior walls shall provide the building with a weather-resistant exterior wall envelope. The exterior wall envelope shall include flashing as described in Section 703.4.”

If you visit home sites in the area you will typically see one of three WBS options being installed.  These in order of most used to least used are as follows:

  • House Wraps , such as Tyvek, Typar, Etc.
  • Wall Sheathing integrated systems, such as Zip System, Ox-IS, Etc             
  • Spray on Systems such as Enviro-Dri

The importance of this barrier for your home can not be stressed too much.  Builders must use a product that meets code and for the most part, local builders do a good job of insuring whatever system they are using is being done properly, but in the real world many factors can affect the actual installation, so do not hesitate to question your builder if an area or areas do not appear to be properly done

If you want to learn more about some of these products here are links to the most popular ones uses in Central Ohio. I have also included a report you can download for even more information.

  • Tyvek:                   https://www.dupont.com/building/residential-exterior-walls.html
  • Zip Wall:               https://www.huberwood.com/zip-system/wall-sheathing
  • Enviro-Dri:           https://www.tremcosealants.com/markets/residential/weather-resistive-barrier-systems/enviro- dri/enviro-dri/

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